We extend a warm welcome to any who have the desire to join us worshiping Jesus Christ as our Savior!
On the first Sunday of the month there is an Adult Sunday School class for those who want to learn the message of salvation and have the opportunity to interact and ask questions. We welcome any who have the desire to attend.
Our Cissna Park congregation assists several other local churches to support the local food pantry. If you would like to donate or are in need of assistance please call 815-310-0372.
Every summer our congregation hosts a weeklong vacation bible school where students k-8 attend every morning, and high school age students and young adults attend in the evenings. We also welcome those of any age or season of life to join us for those evenings.
Come join us in worshipping the first Sunday evening of the month to sing hymns of praise to our God.
At Called to Care we recognize the importance of giving as the Samaritan, loving as Jesus loves, and encouraging those around us through singing, use of our talents, and time investment in relationships.
"As a church body called together to reflect God's love, grace and truth we want to honor God by loving all people as Jesus loves all people.....Loving him means we will fulfill the Great Commission given to his followers and keep his commandments in honor of his love towards us" - Apostolic Christian Church of North America
Apostolic Christian Church